AUG DESIGN – Seventh International parade of visual arts and design. Theme CHINA.

International Art Project is divided into two categories: Professional and Student Category and is representing visual artists from Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Taiwan and the United States.


the archive of the virtual gallery

the archive is in the process of transferring data from old websites


Grand Prix Lex Drewinski (DE)

Golden Prix: Krzystof Ducki (HU)
Silver Prix: Grzegorz Drobny (PL)
Bronze Prix: Toshifumi Kawaguchi (JP)

Golden Prix: Pavel Coufalík (CZ)
Silver Prix: Jan Šlégr (CZ)
Bronze Prix: Ondřej Jiráska (CZ)
