26. 4. − 21. 6. 2023
curator: Lenka Sýkorová
Markéta Bendová

In Scandinavian mythology, the tree of life Yggdrasil takes the form of a cosmic ash tree that connects our earthly existence, stretching vertically from the underworld to heavens. With its roots and branches it embraces both the inner and outer human world and is the source of cosmic wisdom. Alice Máselníková is inspired in her work by this very mythology, and through drawing and painting, she opens up possible ways of searching for the meaning of everyday life, the fragility of a moment of joy, or the all-embracing ordinary beauty that we are surrounded by.


8. 3. − 19. 4. 2023
curator: Lenka Sýkorová
Markéta Bendová

In the Altán Klamovka Gallery Darja brings to life the mythical place Вирий/Irij, where, according to legend, birds spend the winter together with the souls of ancestors. In the spring, according to legend, they are transformed into birds returning home to bless the harvest and the family. That is why Ukrainians have traditionally prepared bread in the form of birds since pre-Christian times. Darja consciously works with this tradition and shared past, which she brings into the present.


15. 9. – 20. 10. 2021
curator: Lenka Sýkorová
Markéta Bendová

Presentification means full awareness of the present. Experiencing the moment here and now in the fullness of its power. Presentification also affects collective and personal memory and awareness of the upcoming future. Finnish artist Hanna Råst has been exploring for a long time the process of how we perceive time and what role our memory and photographic record of reality play in it. She calls her creative process "the archeology of time and memory."


8. 7 – 4. 9. 2021
curator: Lenka Sýkorová
Karolina Lizurej, Markéta Bendová

Storytelling accompanies us throughout our entire life. It builds bridges between people. Storytelling helps us to find a common thread that allows us to understand not only different generations but also our own identity. By immersing ourselves in stories, we can find wisdom, advice and anchorage in some time and in some place. Polish artist Karolina Lizurej is fascinated and inspired by stories. The textile embroidered site-specific installation created for Altán Klamovka symbolizes the transience and evanescence of memory that keeps emerging and disappearing.


25. 5. – 30. 6. 2021
curator: Lenka Sýkorová
Dita Lamačová, Markéta Bendová

Spring is associated with the melting of glaciers and the burbling of streams. It is powerful with its healing energy and cleansing aura of a fresh new season full of solar energy that every year comes with summer. In connection with the local genius loci, Veronika Holcová presents two older paintings, Anima and Společník in a site-specific installation. They are the entrance to a new beginning, which is, however, guarded by dark forces in the background. The artist opens for us a path to a journey through dreamlike landscapes, while refining our visual alertness and reflection on art that provides space for calming down and mental cleansing.


3. 3. - 13. 6. 2020 (closed due to a pandemic on 14 March - 10 May 2020)
curator: Lenka Sýkorová
: Dorota Sadovská, Markéta Bendová

Accompanying program: June, 13 2020 - workshop for children, 4- 5 pm Curator-guided tour with an author.

Dorota Sadovská constantly develops and reflects current forms of visual art. The exhibition for Altán Klamovka presents the new cycle entitled Wounded Canvas, which is created as a site-specific object. The author works with minimized means of expression and a cleansed human body without the deposition that civilization imparts to it, in the context of the current mimetic crisis against the background of the development of postconceptual drawing and the liquit time.



7. 3. - 29. 3. 2015
curator: Lenka Sýkorová
Barbora Kleinhamplová

In Altán Klamovka, Jan Pfeiffer presented an event based on choreography, which involved the surroundings of the gallery, i.e. Klamovka Park. The choreography graduated between inactivity and unexpected clusters of iron. Thematically, it referred to the battle calm and turmoil, but we will also find here elements of aggression and, last but not least, peace and beauty. The whole event was dominated by temporary characters that created visual patterns. The gallery thus turned into an armoury, and the work of art itself carried elements of action art. The event was unrepeatable, and the gallery became a space where the remains of the performance could be seen during the exhibition.
